The role of medical journals and publications
Der Lancet
- Von Thomas Whatley 1823 gegründet
- Alte Ziele: To inform, to entertain
- Neue Ziele:
- Science for health, equity and justice.
- Knowledge for better patient and public health outcomes
- Research as a tool for accountability
- Medicine as an important cultural force
- Von 1823 bis 2001 nur der Lancet
- Seitdem eine Reihe von weiteren Journals (insgesamt 18 Stück)
- Z.B. Lancet Infectious diseases
- Z.B. Lancet Digital health
- Z.B. Lancet Global health
- Z.B. Lancet Public Health
- Z.B. Lancet planetary health
- Motto: The best science for better lives
- The lancet gehört zu Elsevier
- A familiy of journals with goals:
- beyond publication
- science-based advocacy
- a catalyst for change
What happens to submitted research papers
- Paper submitted (100)
- Recjetion by deputy editor and assigned to editor (75)
- Rejection by editor and taken to pre-review meeting (25)
- Rejection by peer reviewer and statistician (12)
- Rejection by peer reviewer and negotiation (8)
- Accepted (4)
- Clinical reasearch wird innerhalb 1 Monats publiziert
Editors thoughts
- Originality - added value
- Validity - trustworthiness
- Clinical importance
- Topicality
Critical review of science
Warum wird veröffentlicht
- Karriere
- Impact factor
- Voraussetzung für neue Gelder
- Alternative: The Hong Kong Manifesto for Assessing Researchers: Fostering Research Integrity
Avoidable waste
Das wissenschaftliche System verursacht viel Overhead für einen Forscher
Open science
- Open Access
- Open data
- Open metrics
- Open tools and software
- Research integrity and reproducability
- Science and society
Betrügerische Journals
- Lancet pre print
Journal’s role beyond publication
- Bereich global health
- Bereich klinische Medizin
- Commissioned articels
- Es entstehen Lancet Comissions
- Beispiel: The Global Syndemic of Obesity, Undernutrition, and Climate Change: The Lancet Commission report